
Chasing Questions Ep 1

Today I'm debuting a new series on Chasing Sound's YouTube channel, called Chasing Questions. I receive so many questions not only from students, but through email, on social media and elsewhere.

This first video answers three great questions from readers. The first is if you should mic up or "electrify" your acoustic guitar. The second question is all about what guitar picks I'm currently using, and why. The final question is one I hear all the time. I talk about knowing what you're going to practice, rather than aimlessly noodling.

If you stick around to the end, there's also a fun giveaway I'm doing. Last month's giveaway for picks and strings went so well, I thought I'd do another one for February!

I hope you enjoy this new series. If you have a question you'd like me to answer in an upcoming video, you can always reach out on Twitter, Facebook, right on YouTube, or by emailing me at

Thanks for watching!

A Voice Is Worth A Thousand Frames (Getting your YouTube audio to rock!)

A Voice Is Worth A Thousand Frames (Getting your YouTube audio to rock!)

Students always ask me how to get their guitar videos noticed on YouTube. If you're doing any speaking at all, it's SO important to make sure your voice can be heard clearly. In this post I'll show you 3 easy ways to get your voice quality pristine, so that your guitar video can really shine. Let's do it!

5 amazing YouTube guitar channels

5 amazing YouTube guitar channels

Many think of YouTube as a time waster, but really it’s a treasure trove of guitar knowledge (and the occasional cat video). You can learn so much for so little by just logging on and searching a topic you’re interested in. Want to learn the Mixolydian scale, how to play an A chord, or what the circle of fifths is? No problem! Between learning, entertainment, and reviews you could binge watch guitar videos for days.

Like anything that’s free though, it helps to know where to start, to cut through channels that aren’t so great yet, and to find out what’s helpful. Check out these five YouTube channels for guitar players.