
Let's Talk About Recording and Mixing!

Hopped on YouTube, Twitter, and for the first time, Twitch to talk about the Song Challenge's last week, and some of my tips and tricks for recording and mixing. Thanks to everyone who stopped in to the live streams!

I'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to me on YouTube and Twitch!

Chasing Sound YouTube

Chasing Sound Twitch

A Voice Is Worth A Thousand Frames (Getting your YouTube audio to rock!)

A Voice Is Worth A Thousand Frames (Getting your YouTube audio to rock!)

Students always ask me how to get their guitar videos noticed on YouTube. If you're doing any speaking at all, it's SO important to make sure your voice can be heard clearly. In this post I'll show you 3 easy ways to get your voice quality pristine, so that your guitar video can really shine. Let's do it!